Our fishroom gets early morning light, and the fish do some of their breeding then. We collect eggs after breakfast, then feed the fish live foods such as brine shrimp nauplii, washed black worms or tubifex worms, occasional Daphnia, flightless Drosophila, etc. Large fish can take small bits of earthworms. Fry get infusoria or newly hatched brine shrimp, depending on their size. On occasion we feed Vinegar Eels to the fry.
Blackworms and Tubifex are washed until clean and in good shape prior to feeding. These have to be chopped for small species, and are not fed to young fish.
After feeding we make new batches of Brine Shrimp, then check every container of eggs. Fungused eggs are removed, fresh water added, and Methylene Blue adjusted.
When the eggs develop mature embryos, we transfer them to larger containers, and when they hatch, to 1 gallon critter keepers with an airstone, some floating plants, and some infusoria. When the fry are large enough we add baby brine shrimp
Water changes are usually done at night, or weekends. We use a venturi attachment on a garden hose bib to remove the water, then add fresh water pumped from the 55 gallon aged water tank. A 30 gallon tank with new tapwater is generally aged by water change days, and after all water changes are complete the 30 gallon's water refills the 55 gallon aged water reserve, and the 30 gallon is refilled with tapwater and sealed for three days.
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